Benefit of banana


Do you regularly include fruits in your diet or do you just occasionally eat fruits?
Do you realize that you are endangering your health as well as your life due to your nonchalant attitude towards fruit consumption?
Even though we are blessed with countless types of fruits on this planet, yet some of us barely eat at least one fruit in a day. Out of the overwhelming number of fruits in this world, one fruit that has captured the motivation to pin down this post is banana.
Ok, what about a banana? What do you really know about this common fruit?
How often do you eat the banana?
Did you know that banana is one of the most essential fruits that has innumerable health benefits?

What is a banana?
Banana is an edible fruit that belongs to the family of Musaceae and the genus Musa. It also belongs to two main species namely: Musa balbisiana Colla and Musa acuminata Colla. The term banana is derived from the Arabic word 'banan', which connotes "finger". Even though banana is originally from Australia and Indomalaya, studies reveal that Papua New Guinea was the first to domesticate it.The banana fruit is enveloped and protected by its peel. Presently, this fruit has spread to approximately 135 countries all over the world. This fruit contains approximately 75% moisture, 23% carbohydrates, 1% protein and 0.5% fat. Banana is an excellent source of vitamins such as B complex (B1, B2 and niacin), dietary fibres, carbohydrates, minerals, phytochemicals and phenolics. The phenolics found in banana fruit are the main bioactive compounds exhibiting antioxidant properties thereby providing numerous health benefits. The dietary fibre present in banana is effective for preventing several diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, constipation and irritable colon.
It is worthy to note that it is not only the banana fruit pulp that offers us medicinal health benefits but equally the other parts of banana, which contain important phytochemicals. The various parts of banana ranging from the fruit, leaves, fruit stalk, root and bract have been utilised for domestic and medicinal purposes.

What are the Health Benefits of Eating Banana?

1. Regulates Bowel Movement
Banana intake helps to regulate the bowel movement. Banana intake helps the colon to absorb large quantities of water, which aid regular bowel movements. This is attributed to its high constituent of pectin, which is water-absorbent. It tackles diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation while significantly improving digestion. This is as a result of its rich non-digestible fibres, including alpha-glucans, hemicellulose and cellulose. Banana is also a rich source of the prebiotic compound known as fructooligosaccharide, which nourishes the friendly bacterium in the colon. These friendly bacteria release digestive enzymes and vitamins that improve an individual's ability to absorb nutrients as well as compounds that protect the colon from unfriendly microorganisms.

2. Anti-ulcerogenic activity
Banana contains a flavonoid known as leucocyanidin, which is effective for increasing the thickness of the mucous membrane layer of the stomach. An aqueous extract of unripe banana pulp contains this leucocyanidin flavonoid, which is believed to exhibit significant anti-ulcerogenic activity. Regular consumption of banana is essential for tackling ulcers due to its ability to neutralize the acidity in the stomach. The fruit does not irritate the stomach walls.

3. Recommended as an Ideal Baby food
Studies reveal that banana consumption is highly recommended for infants. This is due to the high amounts of Selenium, Potassium, Iron, Fiber, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Folate, Vitamins A, B2, B6, C and E found in a banana. Banana is also amongst the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast). BRAT is a diet recommended by doctors for people suffering from diarrhoea or vomiting. It is reported that a higher intake of bananas and apple juice from concentrate can protect children from wheezing.

4. Prevention of Anaemia
Banana helps to prevent anaemia by facilitating the production of haemoglobin in the blood. This is attributed to its high iron content, hence the reason why banana is usually recommended for anaemic patients.

5. Prevents Depression
The presence of serotonin in banana helps to minimize the onset of depression by changing one's mood and relaxing the body. Serotonin is also known as the ‘happy hormone’, so if you want to put yourself in a happy mood, eat bananas.

6. Ideal for Diabetic Patients
Banana consumption is ideal for diabetic patients due to its constituent of resistant starch that triggers its hypocholesterolemic action.

7. Lowers the Cholesterol Level
Due to the high fibre found in banana, it is suitable for reducing the cholesterol level.

8. Acts as a Brain Tonic
Due to the rich amount of potassium found in banana, its regular consumption is recommended to keep someone very alert. This suggests why the fruit is often referred to as a brain tonic.

9. Immunity booster
Banana contains 25% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin B6. Vit B6 is essential for producing red blood cells and antibodies, aids the metabolism of fat and acts as an immunity booster. As a result, banana offers protection against the onset of infectious diseases.

10. Prevents Colon Cancer
Regular consumption of banana is recommended for relieving constipation, which in turn helps to prevent colon cancer.
